A lil' somethin' about me...

My photo
Just a t-shirt that's connected to every person in the globe! Whether you're a skateboarder, or a hip-hop head... Coming from an era where we live thru art in the form of expression and feeling. I'm the one that makes that connection!

Friday, June 24

Been a long time. . . .

I know. . . I know. . . I've been gone for a while. . . and I know ya'll been asking about me


Got a lot of great news for everyone. . . Even tho I've been gone. . . I've been working!!

I'm not giving updates on the current events like Justin Bieber being tackled by his own security guard. . . or R&B singers having their "goons" go after RAP groups. . . I'm not gonna even bring up Kim Kardashian's butt x-rays (I love that @ss whether it be fake or not!!). . . and I refuse to discuss all of these guys I've seen on WorldStarHipHop beating up on these women like they're men!!

Nah. . . Today I'm only bringing to you GIFTED news!! So before we get things back in perspective for "Friday's Swag". . . here's a lil GIFTED update!

As most of you already know. . . Gifted Apparel has been reaching new heights! So we want to announce our NEW store locations where you can purchase the line!

We want to thank everyone at THE VAULT in Harlem, Co-op Boutique and finally VINNIE Styles for supporting the line! Here are the store locations. . . and everyone. . . JOIN THE MOVEMENT!!

The Vault Harlem
2498 Frederick Douglas Blvd
Harlem, NY

3513 Church Ave
Brooklyn, NY

Vinnie Styles
160 Flatbush Ave
Brooklyn, NY

Thanks for the love and support everyone!!
- The GIFTED One